Today we will tell you today is national what day. Every 15 seconds, AIDS kills a dad or a mom. May 7 is the World AIDS Orphans Day. In 2005, they were already more than 15 million.
World AIDS Orphans Day May 07
Following the death of their son during a helicopter mission to Mali Albina du Boisrouvray and Bruno Bagnoud founded, in 1989, the Association François-Xavier Bagnoud (AFXB) to perpetuate the ideal of compassion and generosity that guided his life and pursue, in development activities, the rescue missions he practiced during his lifetime.
Support orphans
AFXB’s mission is to fight against poverty and AIDS and to support the orphans and vulnerable children that the pandemic leaves in its wake by campaigning for their human rights and offering comprehensive support to the families and communities who take them. in charge.
The AFXB retires the links that have broken around them to ensure a decent future. By putting in place sustainable community development programs, it builds the capacity of families and communities devastated by poverty and AIDS to raise their orphans and vulnerable children.
AFXB is campaigning for politicians to consider these dropped children a priority and urgent action to integrate them into our global society.
Humanitarian challenge
The care of AIDS orphans is a major humanitarian, economic and social challenge. Reintegrating them into society will allow them to no longer be easy prey for delinquency, prostitution or drugs.
“AIDS orphans, as well as all children affected and / or infected by the virus, are among the most vulnerable children on the planet, mirroring the millions of orphans of other causes and millions of children. streets, drifting from civilization. ”
Albina du Boisrouvray