We are going to share today is what national day? Few people know about World Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Day , some have heard about Charcot’s disease it’s a single, very debilitating disease for which research is still in its infancy.
World Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Day June 21
The day of June 21 was chosen because it is the longest of the year, hope of an extension of life for people with this condition.
Charcot’s disease
ALS is a non-contagious degenerative disease whose exact origin is unknown and for which no truly convincing treatment has been developed. It was identified around 1880 by Professor Jean Martin Charcot (photo), the father of modern neurology.
The three letters SLA have a specific meaning that helps to better understand what this disease is:
- The S for “sclerosis” corresponds to a hardening,
- The L for “lateral” because it attacks the side of the spine,
- The final A of “amyotrophic” indicates a deprivation of nutrition of the muscles.