National Bird of India is Peacock. The decision was taken in 1963. This National symbol have very good involvement in tradition of India.
The criteria for the choice of National Bird were many but the Peacock hit the criteria of bill as it is distributed all over the country and it is recognizable to a common man. The Peacock is the unique bird that cannot be resembled with the bird emblem of any other nation. It is associated and connected rich with Indian myths and legends.
Characteristics of Peacock
A peacock is just like a rainbow. We can easily see all the color of the world in Peacock. This lushness of colors bestows its holy beauty. A peacock symbolizes the core extract of Indian attitude. The Indian National Bird Peacock, the symbol of grace, joy, love and beauty. It is a large as well as a majestic bird. Peacock is a multi-colored bird, having the size of a swan along a fan-shaped crown of feathers on the head; it has a white covering below the eye and a long narrow neck. The male Peacock is richer in colors than the female with glorious blue breast and a long narrow neck and enormous bronze-green tail with stretched feathers all around.
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The characteristics of Peacock can more be defined by defining the head, tail and Body of this bird.
- Head
The top on a peacock’s head resembles a crown. This crown enhances beauty to the plumage of provocation. These decorations can build with the head of a girl with flowers to decorate your comparison. The bill is long and includes blue or green face. White spots paint an outline of the eye, such as a make-up for brightening.
- Tail
It is the classic function that makes a beautiful flamboyant peacock. God has created the tail of a peacock as a train designed and colored feathers woven. This character distinguishes his “leg” from its supportive body. Peacocks usually create the display bright plumage to attract females. Mating begins in the rainy season and the magnificent dance of peacocks in the first rains is a spectacular show. The yellow display selection, blue and green faded on its tail is the result of the angle at which the light shining through the springs.
- Body
Peacocks are the largest in the flying birds all over the world. It is more than two feet high in standing. The position of the fantail is 5 feet on over. The bird has a relatively long time blue neck. The feet look like an emu, three fingers of peacocks striving that to “proud”.
Usage of Peacock Feathers
Peacock feathers can be utilized by many decorative uses. They can simply be placed in pot for just home decoration, by standing alone or in combination of long dry canes.
Beautiful feathers can also be merged in costumes, masks, head gowns, feather fans and with colorful and unique jewelry such as earrings, hoops,lockets, or necklaces. Side fibers (Herl) are important in designing fly fishing on the most famous in the Royal Coachman legendary design. Sword-side tails of peacock feathers eventually be replaced by full eye springs.
Peacock feathers are a symbol of happiness and prosperity in Asia and mostly all over the world. An interesting exception is in some parts of Eastern Europe, where the feathers of peacock are often decorated with invading Mongol horde warriors and therefore associated with a bad time.
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Cultural Importance The importance of the peacock is attached to the culture of India, the Far East, ancient Persia, Greece and Christian confirmed. In Hinduism, the image of the god of thunder, war and rain, Indra, was depicted as a peacock. In southern India, it is considered as a “vahana” or Lord Muruga. The emblem of the peacock is painted in several religious buildings in India.The Indian nation believes that the Peacock helps in indicating the rain fall by spreading its tail in an ornamental fashion and it seem to be partly true. The Peacock also opens its tail at the time of dark clouds on the sky and starts dancing in rhythmic manner. Peacocks are often seen wild in India, they used to live in jungles near water. Although peacocks’ hunting is banned in India but they are ever raised for food. The peahens don’t have plumage. They sound harsh call as they don’t have good splash but they seem such beautiful look.
Foods of Peacocks
Peacocks has the relation with pheasant family. Its food and intakes vary, depends on their location, whether they wild or domesticated. Domestic Peacocks mostly have a regime by their guards chosen less often consists of fruits, berries, cat food and cheese. Farmed animals also tend to keep the bread, cereals and boiled rice.
Peacocks often love to eat on little animals or reptiles, including rats and lizards. On exploring peacocks in the jungle or wild, it is good not to nourish them and only keep avoiding disrupting their usual eating behaviors. Small Baby peacocks which are living in nature are capable of small animals and insect pests live as they consume three or four days. As they grow, they learn to find food for their meals and quickly incorporate berries, herbs and seeds into your daily diet. Peacocks are not known to eat other birds.
Some Interesting Facts about the Peacock:
- The peacock is related to the National Bird of India.
- “Peacock” and “Peahen” are the two sexes for male and female respectively; collectively, they’re known as peafowl.
- Peafowl have three different species: Green Peafowl, the Indian peafowl, and the last one are Congo Peafowl.
- Only Indian from all of above peacocks has the renowned flashy feathers and vibrant blue and the green fuzz. Most of Indian peahens are brown and grey with little green feathers. Peacocks attract mates by using their trains – the larger and beautiful the train, the more probable a peacock is to magnetize a mate.
- Peafowl eats insects, plants and little animals as they are Omnivorous.
- Peacocks can grow from 90 – 130 cm tall and weigh up around six kilograms. Peahens are smaller slightly.
- The peacock is considered to be one of the biggest flying birds.
- Peacocks enjoys flying also – they run first and take few little leaps before a long final hop. Their wingspan is capable to flap quite far.
- Peacocks can run up to 16 km/h.
- Peacocks love to neston high places, like rooftops or trees.
Peacock Picture