The national bird of Cambodia is Giant Ibis. The Giant Ibis (subfamily Threskiornithinae) are birds of medium size, relatively light body and long beak and arched down. These birds show other characteristics, as well as having long legs and neck in relation to the body; Are very similar in proportion to storks and herons. But it is the arched peak that makes them very peculiar.
National Bird of Cambodia
The closest relatives of the Giant Ibis are the Spatulas; that do not have the arched bill, but in the form of a spoon. In addition to the peak shape Giant Ibis and spatulas also show certain anatomical differences and their behavior. These two groups, the Giant Ibis and the spatulas, are assigned to two different subfamilies in the Threskiornithidae family. From the physical and anatomical appearance of Giant Ibis and spatulas this family was long assigned to the order of the Ciconiiformes , that of the Storks. Based on NDA studies the Threskiornithidae family has been classified, please refer to “The Auk” 127 (3): 726-744, in the order of the Pelecaniformes , where Pelicans and other birds are assigned.
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Interesting Facts about Giant Ibis
Distribution and Habitat:
Except for the cold areas, the species in the subfamily of the Giant Ibis are distributed throughout most of the world where there is a suitable habitat. These birds frequent the shallow water covered terrain: marshes, the margins of lakes and rivers, coasts and other similar sites. Some species are seen on land not so wet, at least part of the time.
[table caption=”Giant Ibis Features” width=”500″]
1,National Bird,Cambodia
3,Wings chord,52.3–57 cm
5,Mass Male, 4.2 kg.
6,Mass Female, 4.2 kg.
7,Body Length,40–41.5 in
The Giant Ibis are sociable and gregarious birds. They are usually seen in groups of their own species fishing or resting. It is probable that in the same place are also other birds fishing, happening in certain cases that the groups are integrated. However, the Giant Ibis move according to fish and in general behave like a flock. If an Giant Ibis takes the flight, it is very likely that the rest, or at least one group of the others, will follow.
Many of the species in the Giant Ibis nest in colonies of their own species or colonies of various species of birds. Some species nest solitary. They rest in the branches of the trees where in some places they can congregate in tens of thousands of them.
They feed on fish, molluscs, crustaceans and other animals. Some species also eat seeds; grain.
The peak of the Giant Ibis is formed by the two jaws as in the other birds. Both jaws are approximately the same length and once the beak is closed, they form a relatively solid piece, with no visible interspaces. These birds use the beak in various ways to obtain their livelihood. They fish by introducing it into the water when they see something swimming that can be nutritious. Also with the beak they revolve the bottom of the pond where they walk with their long legs and in this way they frighten any little fish or animal that is hidden in the mud. When they are out of the water they peck at the ground with the beak, getting to tip the earth and taking out some worm or insect.
Other names:
Giant Ibis is also known by the names of “Bandurrias”, “Cocos” and “Corocoros”.
Giant Ibis Picture