If you love to write, perhaps as a freelancer for a site such as Customwritings.com or for pleasure, you will probably already be aware of the fact there are many national writing competitions that you can be a part of. One popular essay writing competition is the National Essay Writing Competition. So, below we will take a closer look at this particular writing competition and answer some of the most popular FAQs asked in relation to the competition.
What is the aim of the National Essay Writing Competition?

Source: tweakyourbiz.com
The aim of the National Essay Writing Competition is to answer a set question. The question this time is:
‘Discuss, using at least two examples, the legal precedents that govern bodily autonomy in modern UK medical practice.’
Can the essay be as long as I want?

Source: scholarship-positions.com
It is important that you don’t exceed the word count in your essay and the word count has been set to 2500 words. If you do exceed the set word count, then your essay will be marked down. The 2500 words include any subheadings, as well as the title of your essay.
Do references count as part of the word count?
If you have any references, these do not count as part of the 2500 words. However, all references do need to be added to your essay, as usual.
What are you looking for in my essay?

Source: eatingdisordersreview.com
Essays that have an individual point of view and provide insight into the title are highly sought after. If you can add your own opinions and thoughts, as well as personal experiences and perspectives to your essay, these are also aspects that are highly desirable.
What other points do I need to be aware of?
When it comes to the structure of your essay you need to use paragraphs where relevant. You also need to ensure that you use the font ‘Calibra’ and your text size is 12. Headings, however, can be larger and you can choose the size of the font that you prefer.
Do I have to be a final year student?

Source: waywrite.com
It doesn’t matter what background or year of study you are completing, all students are encouraged to apply to the writing competition as it is open to all.
Can I be a student studying any subject?
No, you will need to have an interest in the dental, veterinary or medical industry.
When is the deadline?
The deadline for this National Essay Writing Competition is on the 15th of August for 5 pm. If you submit your essay after this date or time, unfortunately, your essay will not be accepted.
Where do I send my essay when I’ve completed it?

Source: topdailyplanner.com
Once you have completed your essay you need to email it to admin@medicmentor.org.
What is the prize if I win?
If you win the competition, as well as receiving a voucher worth £25 for Amazon, your essay will also appear in the next copy of the Mentor Magazine. Additionally, you will be invited to the Medic Mentor’s Award’s evening to collect your reward. Your reward will be presented to you alongside school ambassadors and scholarship holders.
What is the Mentor Medic Magazine?

Source: twitter.com
The magazine is a publication which notifies and informs potential medical students.
What is the purpose of the magazine?
The aim of the magazine is to get students ready to complete their degree, as well as help them with their studies. The magazine also tries to look at and discuss any opinions put forward by its readers. The magazine also includes and considers any information related to healthcare that readers may come across in day to day reading.
How often is the magazine published?
The magazine is published four times a year and it consists of relevant artwork and articles.
What can I look forward to finding in every copy of the magazine?

Source: resolveitech.net
Every copy of the magazine will include:
- Information and advice related to getting into medical school
- Information related to current affairs
- Articles which are opinion-based
- Information on how to get involved in the magazine
- Artwork and puzzles related to the medical industry
Can I get a paper copy of the magazine?
The magazine is actually electronic and has over 6000 subscribers. These subscribers include schools as well as students.
What vision or mission does the magazine have?
The proceeds that the magazine makes are reinvested back into students as this means we are able to provide the largest scholarship program to medical students in the UK. Additionally, it also means we can provide students with various free mentoring resources.
How much does it cost to sign up to the magazine?
There is an initial sign-up fee which costs £15. You will then obtain a 1-month free trial and thereafter you have to pay £4.99 a month in order to receive a copy of the magazine.