The capital city of Colombia is Bogota . As capital, it houses the highest hierarchical bodies of the executive branch legislative ( Congress of Colombia ) and judicial (Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Court, Council of State and the Superior Council of the Judicature).
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Capital City Of Colombia
The capital city is located in the Savannah of Bogota which is the capital city of Colombia, on the cundiboyacense plateau in the Eastern Cordillera of the Andes, to an altitude of about 2630 meters on the level of the sea. It has a total area of 1776 km² and an urban area of 307 km². The territory where the city sits was formerly a lake. Evidence of this constitutes the wetlands that cover some non-urbanized areas of the Savannah, especially in the town of Suba. According to several writings of the time, at the arrival of the first conquerors this territory was covered with marshes.
History About Bogota
From 10,500 BC. C., human groups inhabited the area with activities of hunting and gathering. From 3500 a. C., horticultural activities, of pottery and the domestication of the curí are already registered by groups that still depended on the hunting and gathering. In the 500 a. C., was already widespread the cultivation of corn and potatoes . By the year 800, the Muiscas (the most important indigenous people of the Chibcha family) inhabited the area, as a result of a migration of Chibcha origin, coming from another territory (probably coming from Central America ), which had been mixed with The previous
It is believed that the Muiscas were able to practice human sacrifices of young virgins captured in the war or bought from other tribes. However, there is no solid or unprovable evidence of this. They also created a calendar of high precision and a complex legal structure, known as the “Code of Nemequene”. On the other hand, the muiscas buildings were raised with perishable materials that prevented them from standing after the arrival of the European conquerors.
Today, Bogotá which is the capital city of Colombia is a cosmopolitan city in constant expansion. It is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas, not only in Colombia but in South America . Its six million inhabitants, including multitudes of immigrants from all over the world, make the capital a veritable “microcosm” of the nation.
Bogota which is the capital city of Colombia is the main economic and industrial center of Colombia ; There converge the majority of capitals coming from the other cities to the being the focus of the trade of the country due to its large population. It receives investors from all over Colombia and from other parts of the world. Likewise, in 2008 the city became the fourth most influential financial center in Latin America . In the period 2003 – 2006 , the GDP trade (gross domestic product) of Bogotá grew by 10.3% annually, representing 25.3% of the national commercial GDP in assets from the investment of the other cities are counted Of the country in the city and of many multinational companies; Being higher than the GDP of Uruguay, nevertheless, the unemployment rate reaches 11.3% and an underemployment of 31.6%. On the other hand, the cost of living is lower than the average of the 40 main cities in Latin America . In addition to this, Bogotá is projected in the medium term as one of the most important business destinations in the world.
Interesting Facts About Bogota
The magazine Lonely Planet of Argentina in its article entitled “10 Easy Travels” highlights the Colombian capital as an example to follow in matters of ecology and environment. The note stresses that the city has 107 square meters of green per person, “the highest figure among medium-sized cities, and the highest biodiversity in the world per square kilometer.”
Bogota which is the capital city of Colombia has a great variety of museums, including the Gold Museum, which has 35 thousand pieces of gold and tumbaga and almost 30 thousand objects in ceramics, stone, shell, bone and textiles.Facade of the National Museum of Colombia, the largest in the country and possessor of some of the most complete collections.
The Botero Museum donated by the artist Fernando Botero and which has some of his works and several paintings that belonged to his private collection. Another museum to highlight is the National Museum of Colombia, which is the oldest in the country and has an important art collection and frequently hosts international temporary exhibitions. Another of the prominent museums is Maloka defined as the largest science and technology theme park in South America.
This is a city of museums, you can find permanent exhibitions of art from all eras, also historical objects, religious museums, natural sciences, technology and even interactive spaces.You can also visit one of the big libraries of the city , see a play, attend a large concert or a small private recital, go to one of the cultural centers or maybe take a tour of the historic center of La Candelaria.