National Dessert Day October 14
Today we will tell you today is national what day. National Dessert Day is celebrated on October 14, 2017. The dessert is the sweet or sweet and sour dish that is taken at the end of the meal. When talking about desserts is meant some sweet preparation, whether creams, cakes, cakes, ice cream, chocolates, etc. By extension it is called dessert to any sweet food even if its purpose is not to be ingested at the end of the meal. Some examples are cookies or muffins. Custards are a dairy dessert of Spanish gastronomy. It is a cream made with milk, egg yolks, sugar and aromas such as vanilla or lemon. It is simple to prepare, has a low economic cost and its food wealth is based on animal fats and proteins by containing eggs and milk.
Sweet is one of the five basic and unique flavors that is accepted globally by all cultures and ethnicities of the earth as one of the most pleasurable flavors. It is mainly detected in the taste buds of the tip of the tongue. Foods that have a high carbohydrate content are perceived to be sweet and the artificial flavorings to provide the sweet taste are called sweeteners.