Regardless of whether you are carrying out minor or major works, renovating an apartment is not a simple process. This project requires a lot of time, effort and money. However, you can save money if you start at the very beginning of the project to make good decisions. It is not a simple and easy job and requires a lot of dedication. However, if you are in a good financial situation, then you can leave everything related to the renovation of the apartment to another person. When you want to save, then you have to be ready to study our tips well so that you know in which parts of the project you can save.
1. DIY works

The first and basic rule is that everything you can do yourself, do it yourself. There’s probably a lot you haven’t considered that you can do yourself. However, it all depends on what exactly you want to achieve with the renovation. After you understand what you want to do and how you want your apartment to look at the end of the work, make a list of all the work tasks. Certain jobs are already reserved for professionals such as Swiss Interior, so eliminate those work tasks immediately, because you don’t want to try to do something you’ve never encountered before.
Remember that it won’t save you money, it’ll just add cost and a lot of chaos. Ask around and find out about specific jobs, because that’s the only way you’ll really know if you can do something and if you have the right tools for it. Be careful, because you can get hurt very easily. Of course, be sure to leave work related to electrical installations to experts and don’t even think about doing it yourself.
2. Discount
We all love discounts. However, sometimes they are not as obvious as during the holidays. Your task is to try in every possible way to make room for discounts or promotions. This does not mean that you will haggle and agree on the price with all companies, because the prices are mostly fixed. The possibility of correcting the price follows when one craftsman performs several works for you or when you buy the materials yourself.
3. Research

When we say that renovating an apartment involves a lot of research, we don’t just mean researching discounts but also researching the workers who need to do the job. It is a mistake to focus exclusively on the companies with the lowest price, because there must be a reason for the low price. Such companies are very risky and can cost you a lot of time and money. Don’t despair, because you don’t have to pay a fortune for proper craftsmen who know their job and do it in the best possible way. All you need is to ask a friend, acquaintance or on the Internet. We’re sure someone will recommend a great company to you, and you often get a referral discount. In addition, you get a discount when buying building materials, but it all depends on who you buy from. For example, if you buy all your materials from one company, you will probably get a serious discount.
4. Designer deck
Another solution we recommend is the designer deck. These floors belong to the best class and therefore we strongly recommend that you consider them if you have to renovate the floors. In this case, you will need an expert. He will assess the condition of your floor coverings, suggest further work, and only with his advice can you be sure that you have made the right final decision.
Visit and see for yourself some ideas for decks.
5. Techniques

When renovating an apartment, people generally decide to partition certain rooms. If you are planning the same, ask about modern techniques that are functional, cheap and less complicated at the same time. For example, dry construction is a very popular technique. In that case, the room is partitioned with gypsum boards that provide sound and thermal insulation, and the best of all is that you can save as much as 40%.
6. Buying used things
When renovating, you have to think about buying things big and small, and the good news is that not everything has to come straight from the store. Of course, it is mandatory to stick to quality and functionality, but there is always a way to find such second-hand items. The prerequisite is not to buy from just anyone, read reviews of people who are heavily involved in reselling used items so that you don’t buy something that is in poor condition.
Maybe this is a risk if you don’t buy from a trusted person and if you don’t have enough experience in this, but it is definitely the most cost effective way to buy and it will last you a long time. This type of purchase can save you a lot. To make it easier for you to navigate the new market, start by buying small items that serve as decoration. It will be a great move if you plan to decorate the apartment in a vintage style.
7. Adequate combination of furniture and decorations

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on renovation, but you still care that the apartment looks glamorous, simply do a good interior. This means that you will spend more time coming up with the ideal combination of furniture and decoration, but at a minimum cost. It may seem difficult to you now, but it is actually very simple. You can find ideas on Pinterest and similar places.
You definitely don’t need an interior designer to achieve a complete makeover of your apartment. For example, think about attractive wallpaper, led lights, bold colors and different types of furniture. Lighting is very important, and classic floor-length curtains raise the value of your apartment. So, think of the details that you will get by with as cheaply as possible, and you will get the desired interior. In that case, you will direct all the budget towards the most important works and eliminate unnecessary stress about money.
If you want to achieve a great look of the apartment, always stick to the minimalist style. Not only will it significantly reduce your costs, but you will always have a modern interior. Minimalist style is also ideal if you have a small condo as it makes the area look bigger and spacious. If you own a small condo, check out these functional condo design ideas in this article. Uniqueness, simplicity and functionality never go out of fashion.